Pathology Services


Pricing and Profile offerings may change as we continue to expand our diagnostic portfolio and special pricing options may be available. If a specific test is not listed or for additional information please ask us.

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Diagnostic Pathology

Histology Diagnostic-Only Services 

We provide Diagnostic Histology services to clients who require occasional nonstudy-related specimens that require a diagnostic-only level of analysis. This service provides a pathologist-generated diagnostic report, rather than a research report.

Submissions that qualify for diagnostic-only analysis include nonstudy-related moribund animal tissue processing/ evaluation and biopsies.

Services include examination and subgross trimming of fixed tissues. Trimmed tissues are paraffin-embedded, sectioned and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Some diagnoses require additional testing with selective histochemical or immunohistochemical methods. In these cases, the pathologist will contact you to discuss the value and associated costs of performing these additional tests. Histologic changes in the tissues are interpreted and a diagnostic report is prepared.